Creative college essay
Early Us History Research Paper Topics
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Spa Operations Management
A case study,plan the utilization of money in a business and talk about the budgetary parts of surveying administrative execution - Assignment Example The ABC costing process helps in the most valuable designation of assets on benefit bearing items, offices and exercises and lessening the expenses related with non-gainful items, administrations or exercises. The Activity Based Costing (ABC) technique is an incredibly propelled costing strategy that assists with expanding the productivity of an association through the ID of the superfluous costs that can be disposed of to bring down the general creation expenses of the association. The Activity Based Costing (ABC) technique is being considered by the case organization for example Berry Ltd. Berry Ltd. has been utilizing the conventional ingestion costing strategy as the fundamental costing procedure for the organization. The organization fabricates three principle items and the expenses and assets of every one of the items are dispensed using the assimilation costing process. Ingestion costing is an administrative costing technique where the expensing of the expenses of the considerable number of items fabricated in the organization are allotted through the thought of both the absolute caught cost and the complete direct expenses related with the assembling of every one of the items. According to the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), assimilation costing is the favored technique for costing utilized by the organizations with the end goal of outer detailing (Clyde, Brown and Whalen 2006). The administration of Berry Ltd is thinking about the appropriation of the Activity Based Costing (ABC) technique in the organization so as to accomplish better cost administration and control in the organization. As per both the Production Director and the Finance Director of Berry Ltd. the utilization of the Activity Based Costing (ABC) strategy is probably going to improve the general cost control of the organization and along these lines, lead to expanded benefit in the business. Since, bringing down the operational expenses is a significant method of expanding the edges related with the assembling and ensuing
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Philosophy What Is Happiness Essays - Happiness,
Reasoning: What Is Happiness All things considered, what is satisfaction? In the first place it's anything but a reality that has a two-line definition to it. It is a level at which your needs come nearer to the unavoidable truths that apply to everyone, making the two sides equivalent. At the point when this harmony is achieved then your brief period of bliss shows up. As joy shows up at a work force level in this manner there is no exact meaning of bliss. It is fundamentally a staff feeling and it very well may be activated at various circumstances. A portion of these circumstances resemble; joy is the place there is no dread in your heart. Satisfaction is the place you are large and in charge. Satisfaction could be the place certainty streams. Bliss is significant serenity. Joy is inverse to you; thusly it is a transitory phase of not acting naturally. Satisfaction is over the ocean, yet to be sure a tick away, consequently your goal. It manages in everything except for it is up to you how to discover it. On the off chance that somebody says that I am glad that implies either his environmental factors were tragic or he doesnt recognize what satisfaction is! Cash is joy and joy resembles cash, you need increasingly more till you are no more. No man has yet obtained bliss to its fullest. There is consistently a phase past the present one. Obviously there must be this phase where honesty gives a haven. On the off chance that you fall into this classification, at that point upbeat equivalents tragic thus all is well and you don't have anything to achieve on this street. As this subject is so expansive, I am certain I will be missing other imminent of satisfaction. It is all upon work force decision and level of reasoning. To finish up I would express that the way in to this lock relies upon what class you fall into and trust that everybody discovers their own key. Theory
Friday, August 21, 2020
Effectiveness of Different Coaching Styles in Sport
Viability of Different Coaching Styles in Sport Sports Coaching Substance (JUMP TO) Standards and best practice in training The viability of various styles of training in various settings How models of instructing can support experts References Standards and best practice in training The perfect of game has changed especially in the previous fifteen to twenty years (Polley, 1998)[1]. What was once observed as relaxation and additionally a recreational movement is presently seen principally as a vehicle through which one can induce profound situated social and cultural change. This is particularly evident in the UK which has an especially characterless association with sport with an assortment of games thought about endemic in British society; without a doubt, a considerable lot of the most well known games on the planet were played first in Britain and their administering bodies despite everything dwell inside British state fringes. Therefore, as Dawn Penney (2000:59) pronounces, game, society and value are interlinked to a degree that has without a doubt, as of late been recognized by scholastic, explicitly sociological, study. â€Å"Physical training and game are a piece of our social and social universes. The relationship is dynamic, with the arrangements and practices of physical training reflecting, yet additionally unmistakably molding (imitating as well as trying), the qualities and interests of more extensive society.†[2] It is thus that the idea of ‘best practice’ has accomplished another degree of essentialness as of late relating explicitly to the selection of the best conceivable scholarly, mental and moral techniques particularly with respect to kids and youngsters in order to set them up intellectually and genuinely for the various requests of grown-up life whether this be in a brandishing or nonâ€'sporting setting. ‘Best practice’ uses investigate directed principally between the years 1950 to 1980 with the usage of these techniques occurring in the course of recent years. It is an entirely late wonder and, in that capacity, is deficient in certain territories of research contrasted with different fields of sociological investigation. In any case, in the twenty first century the measure of consideration dedicated to the subject is probably going to increment with the double apparition of globalization and commercialisation making sports an exceptionally rewarding ce nter of movement. The standards administering the idea of ‘best practice’ are focused upon the twin points of fashioning a good judgment of solidarity and collaboration inside a gathering of players and simultaneously to sustain singular expertise and pizazz on a balanced premise so the more talented players’ abilities are sharpened without disregarding the supremacy of the group as the superseding ethos of ‘best practice’. This fundamental dualism which lives at the focal point of ‘best practice’ instructing ideas is naturally influenced by the advancement of sports players as they grow up. For example, youthful players (matured six to ten years of age) are substantially more slanted to float towards the individual component of sports and rivalry with the gathering dynamic coming at a later age (growing principally between the ages of twelve and sixteen). Thus, there is no ‘best way’ to ‘best practice’; no correct. Or maybe, ther e is an incredible trade of ease between ideas, standards and practices that ought to be executed on an individual premise. This is as valid for instructing grown-ups (customers) for what it's worth of training adolescents where Jennifer Rogers (2007:7-10)[3] has delineated six center rules that ‘define’ the job of the mentor in the cutting edge period. These are: The customer is ingenious (the coach’s sole point is to work with the customer to accomplish the entirety of their potential †as characterized by the customer). The coach’s job is to spring free the client’s genius. Instructing tending to the entire individual: past, present and future. The customer sets the plan. The mentor and the customer are rises to. Training is about change and activity. The shared factor sketched out by Rogers is that training is constantly activated by change †be it an adjustment in age, in situation, in style or method. Besides, in light of the fact that change is the cash wherein the mentor works together, there will undoubtedly be fiercely fluctuating styles of instructing that fit uncontrollably unique social and social settings and it is towards these various styles and settings that consideration should now be turned. The viability of various styles of training in various settings It has been demonstrated that the advancement of youngsters enormously influences the usage of training techniques relating to the tricky harmony between instructing the individual and the gathering dynamic. This is essentially subject to the sort of game being trained: group activities, for example, football require a commitment to the group ethic while sports, for example, tennis and golf pressure the individual component of rivalry. Sports, for example, cricket join the group ethic with a substantial accentuation upon singular capacity, absolutely concerning batting, which is an extremely single expertise that requires escalated levels of focus and independence (Palmer, 1999)[4]. In this way, in the primary case, successful training requires the expert to tailor their instructing style to the game being referred to and afterward to additionally tailor these training strategies to the age gathering of the group or individual being trained. This characteristic decent variety in instructing styles is likewise valid for the monetary setting of training grown-ups. Certain games require more prominent degrees of monetary interest than others. Golf, for instance, is a costly game that requests that the member is very much financed in order to buy the vital gear, for example, clubs, sacks, apparel and, above all, participation to a golf club. The equivalent can be said of tennis and cricket where the hardware is a fundamental piece of a definitive achievement or disappointment of the procedure of the customer being referred to. Financial setting is additionally significant concerning the mental component of instructing with the social, social and political issues of urban neediness having a significant impact in the sorts of training strategies which are probably going to yield the best outcomes from some random segment. There can be no uncertainty that a training style utilized for a gathering of white collar class specialis ts with free access to capital, time and assets will be uniquely not quite the same as the sort of instructing style sent for kids and grown-ups who don't approach similar extravagances and who in this manner will react to various training methods. Financial setting, segment setting and age setting are additionally intensified by the inexorably regular issue of multiculturalism and, explicitly, globalization, which has clear ramifications for educators, guides and mentors working at all degrees of society all through the UK. At the point when one thinks, for example, of the effect of language after training (handing-off strategies, calling attention to territories of solidarity and shortcoming, and, most fundamentally, endeavoring to impart a group ethic) one can see the degree to which the job of the mentor is inflexibly interwoven with the destiny of mass development of people groups over the planet in the twenty first century. As Jones (1997:27) proclaims, â€Å"there is not any more significant assignment inside the more extensive instructing process than that of communication.†[5] Bains and Patel (1994) have since quite a while ago brought up the explicit underâ€'representation of Asians playing proficient footba ll in England regardless of certain zones in the Midlands and the North-West of England having urban territories with a higher than half proportion of ethnic networks. â€Å"Recent Sport England national insights affirmed that individuals of South Asian beginning have especially lower interest rates than different minorities or the indigenous population.†(Collins, 2003:75)[6] This inconsistency with respect to the high quantities of Asians living in present day Britain and the excessively modest number of Asians playing football, it has been contended, is because of mentors enjoying outdated generalizing with regards to instructing players from the Asian people group. Asians are still observed as basically scholastic achievers over games players and where they are seen as sports players they are still pigeonâ€'holed in regular Asian pictures of cricket players; once in a while are they at any point seen as potential expert footballers. In like manner dark players are still observed as principally speedy, amazing players; seldom, the strategic cerebrums or the profound heartbeat of the side. This social component to sports instructing is exacerbated by the verifiable sex partition among guys and females in a brandishing setting. Here, similarly likewise with ethnic individuals, generalizations remain the prevailing training worldview. Young ladies and ladies are required to play generally female games, for example, netball, hockey, lacrosse, swimming and tennis. This, in any case, is contrary to the developing quantities of ladies playing generally maleâ€'dominated sports, for example, rugby, cricket and football with the last specifically encountering a genuine blast in female enthusiasm since the start of the 1990s. â€Å"A age back, sport was a center, man centric foundation in a bigger, challenged sexual orientation request. Presently, with the sensational development of girls’ and women’s games interest, sport no longer essentially or unambiguously assumes this reactionary job in sexual orientation relations. Game is presently more inside contested.†(2002 presentation xxii)[7] It is, in the last investigation, up to the games mentor to consider every one of these alleviating components and settings with the goal that the specialist can mentor abilities and methods that are applicable to the contemporary time instead of propagating behind the times generalizations that do little to progress enlightened society in both a brandishing and nonâ€'sporting setting. H
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Essay Topics With Answers PDF - What Is It?
Essay Topics With Answers PDF - What Is It?Writing a high school essay with answers PDF may not be the easiest thing for most students to do. With so many things to juggle, most students will not even be able to put their ideas down on paper, let alone formulate them into useful essays. Many students will get bogged down by this problem before they even start. If you're looking for a high school essay topic with answers PDF, it's important that you keep up with the times.The main advantage that your tutor has is that he or she is able to show you all of the questions that you will need to answer. What's more, he or she can answer those questions for you. This is a great resource because it makes sure that you don't miss anything. It's no fun having to stop a homework assignment to check a simple task because you didn't get a particular question right. This is particularly true if the subject matter is something that you find hard to write about.In order to write a high school essay w ith answers PDF, you will first need to decide what kind of essay you are going to write. Some people like to use a scholarly essay because they know that it will be read by college admissions officers. But others prefer to use an essay that will be read by a wide audience. Either way, there is a great resource that you can rely on to help you put together a high school essay with answers PDF.To find the right kind of resource, simply type in the phrase 'high school essay with answers PDF' into your search engine. You'll come up with a list of thousands of sites that you can look at. Choose one of these sites, and then begin to read through their articles to get a better idea of how they work.Once you have a general idea of how their process works, you will want to start going through their articles and writing down some tips and broad brush strokes. Take your time and make sure that you find a resource that you find easy to read. Make sure that it has clear instructions on how to g et started. The last thing that you need is to spend time trying to figure out how to write a good essay without any idea of how to do it. No one likes to be confused, and that's why it's important to choose a high school essay topic with answers PDF that is easy to read.You don't want to spend any time worrying about how to write a high school essay with answers PDF because once you find a great resource, you'll be on your way to putting together a great essay. Make sure that you keep the following ideas in mind:A high school essay with answers PDF is a great way to end a homework assignment. It allows students to spend less time looking over old assignments and more time doing work that will help them in college. It also allows students to put their thoughts into words that are easy to understand. In order to write a high school essay with answers PDF, you will need to find a resource that allows you to do just that.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Compare and Contrast Binary Fission vs. Mitosis
Binary fission, mitosis, and meiosis are the main forms of cell division. Binary fission and mitosis are types of asexual reproduction in which the parent cell divides to form two identical daughter cells. Meiosis, on the other hand, is a form of sexual reproduction in which a cell divides its genetic material between the two daughter cells. The Main Difference Between Binary Fission and Mitosis While both binary fission and mitosis are types of cell division that duplicate cells, fission primarily occurs in prokaryotes (bacteria), while mitosis occurs in eukaryotes (e.g., plant and animal cells). Another way to look at it is that in binary fission cell that divide lack a nucleus, while in mitosis, the cell that divides does possess a nucleus. To get a better understanding of the processes, lets take a closer look at whats involved. Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cells Prokaryotes are simple cells that lack a nucleus and organelles. Their DNA consists of one or two circular chromosomes. Eukaryotes, in contrast, are complex cells that have a nucleus, organelles, and multiple linear chromosomes. In both types of cells, DNA is copied and separated to form new cells in an organized manner. In both types of cells, cytoplasm is divided to form daughter cells via the process of cytokinesis. In both processes, if everything goes as planned, the daughter cells contain an exact copy of the parent cells DNA. In bacterial cells, the process is simpler, making fission faster than mitosis. Because a bacterial cell is a complete organism, fission is a form of reproduction. While there are some single-celled eukaryotic organisms, mitosis is most often used for growth and repair rather than reproduction. While errors in replication in fission are a way to introduce genetic diversity in prokaryotes, errors in mitosis can cause serious problems in eukaryotes (e.g., cancer). Mitosis includes a checkpoint to make certain both copies of DNA are identical. Eukaryotes use meiosis and sexual reproduction to ensure genetic diversity. Binary Fission Steps While a bacterial cell lacks a nucleus, its genetic material is found within a special region of the cell called a nucleoid. Copying the round chromosome starts at a site called the origin of replication and moves in both directions, forming two replication sites. As the replication process progresses, the origins move apart and separate the chromosomes. The cell lengthens or elongates. There are different forms of binary fission: The cell can divide across the transverse (short) axis, the longitudinal (long) axis, at a slant, or in another direction (simple fission). Cytokinesis pulls the cytoplasm toward the chromosomes. When replication is complete, a dividing lineâ€â€called a septumâ€â€forms, physically separating the cytoplasm of the cells. A cell wall then forms along the septum and the cell pinches in two, forming the daughter cells. While its easy to generalize and say binary fission only occurs in prokaryotes, this isnt exactly true. Certain organelles in eukaryotic cells, such as mitochondria, also divide by fission. Some eukaryotic cells can divide via fission. For example, algae and Sporozoa may divide via multiple fission in which several copies of a cell are made simultaneously. Mitosis Steps Mitosis is part of the cell cycle. The process is much more involved than fission, reflecting the complex nature of eukaryotic cells. There are five phases: prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. The linear chromosomes replicate and condense early in mitosis, in prophase. In prometaphase, the nuclear membrane and nucleolus disintegrate. Fibers organize to form a structure called the mitotic spindle. Microtubules help align chromosomes on the spindle in metaphase. Molecular machinery checks the DNA to assure replicated chromosomes align toward the proper target cell. In anaphase, the spindle draws the two sets of chromosomes away from each other. In telophase, the spindles and chromosomes move to opposite sides of the cell, a nuclear membrane forms around each set of genetic material, cytokinesis splits the cytoplasm, and cell membrane separates the contents into two cells. The cell enters the non-dividing part of the cell cycle, which is called interphase. Binary Fission Versus Mitosis Cell division can be confusing, but similarities and differences between binary fission and mitosis can be summed up in one simple table: Binary Fission Mitosis Asexual reproduction in which one organism (cell) divides to form two daughter organisms. Asexual reproduction of cells, usually parts of complex organisms. Occurs in prokaryotes. Some protists and eukaryotic organelles divide via fission. Occurs in eukaryotes. Primary function is reproduction. Functions include reproduction, repair, and growth. A simple, rapid process. A complex process that requires more time than binary fission. No spindle apparatus is formed. DNA attaches to the cell membrane prior to division. A spindle apparatus is formed. DNA attaches to the spindle for division. DNA replication and separation occur at the same time. DNA replication is completed long before cell division. Not completely reliable. Daughter cells sometimes get unequal numbers of chromosomes. High fidelity replication in which chromosome number is maintained through a checkpoint at metaphase. Errors occur, but more rarely than in fission. Uses cytokinesis to divide cytoplasm. Uses cytokinesis to divide cytoplasm. Binary Fission vs. Mitosis: Key Takeaways Binary fission and mitosis are both forms of asexual reproduction in which a parent cell divides to form two identical daughter cells.Binary fission occurs primarily in prokaryotes (bacteria), while mitosis only occurs in eukaryotes (e.g., plant and animal cells).Binary fission is a simpler and faster process than mitosis.The third main form of cell division is meiosis. Meiosis only occurs in sex cells (gamete formation) and produces daughter cells with half of the chromosomes of the parent cell. Sources Carlson, B. M. Principals of Regenerative Biology. (p. 379) Elsevier Academic Press. 2007Maton, A.; Hopkins, J.J.; LaHart, S. Quon; Warner, D.; Wright, M.; Jill, D. Cells: Building Blocks of Life. (pp. 70-74) Prentice-Hall. 1997
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
An Education Of The Mind And Heart - 940 Words
An education of the mind and heart, to me, means an education that both furthers my intellectual competence, and enlightens me as a person in things that can not be taught through a text book. Something that I feel is undervalued and not emphasized enough in our public education system, which I have been a part of my entire life is moral integrity and heart. I feel that too much students are taught about tangible subjects such as math and science, and not about right and wrong, or how to build appropriate character. I plan to apply this to my life at Whitworth by going the extra mile to do things the morally correct way. As well as understanding, and learning from the times that I do not. I believe that in order to educate myself morally and make myself a better person in regards to my heart, I will need to self police myself, as well as have individuals who are on the same mission to work with and look up to, and I believe that Whitworth has these individuals; and in order to utiliz e what Whitworth has to offer to the fullest extent, I need to surround myself with this type of person. Also, I believe that there are aspects of Whitworth that teach these principles that are out side of the classroom, such as the culture. A community rich in culture can teach ten fold what a classroom can in my opinion. During my time at Whitworth I plan to indulge myself in the community, by being apart of the football team, as well as the academic and social community. I feel that college isShow MoreRelatedEducating The Mind Without Educating Our Heart Is No Education At All1507 Words  | 7 Pages‘Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.’(Aristotle). This quote stood out to me as I feel it is absolutely crucial in order to learn; this quote also supports Maslow’s Hierarchy as it suggests there is more to learning then having a pedagogy. My first theme for my learning journal will be to demonstrate an appreciation to the life long learning; in order to do this is will reflect on my own personal learning journey and to discuss different types of learning. The secondRead MoreHitlers Success in Winning the Hearts and Minds of Youths Essay1145 Words  | 5 PagesSuccess in Winning the Hearts and Minds of Youths During Hitler’s rule, he attempted to gain as much support as possible and impose Nazi values into everyday life. Hitler aimed a large amount of propaganda at women but he also targeted at the youth generation. Similarly to women, it’s very difficult to determine their true feelings or if the evidence obtained is genuine. 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Through its spreading of ideas, Nazi propaganda such as the media, education, and mass murder influenced the Germans’ hearts and minds by compelling them to become complacent towards the new kind of ruling that quick ly took over the country. In order to influence the German people andRead MoreVisions Of Reforms And Reformation1488 Words  | 6 Pagestrue sense of humanity, but defined that humanity, the means of achieving that humanity, and their general worldview in different ways. Wollstonecraft sought progress by reforming private life virtues through voluntary education and action. She wanted to change the hearts and minds of the people, while Marx sought progress through direct means -- political upheaval and reformation of government, society, and currency through the armed uprising of the worker. Their similarities and differences canRead MoreAnalysis Of Timothy 3 : 7 ( Kjv )1667 Words  | 7 Pagesthemselves teachers of truth, they will captivate people’s hearts by their offers of an accepting and accommodate Christianity. They will lead captivated people in the path of miscellaneous lust. It is these captivated people who have become victims of a debased and degenerate teaching. There are those who think they are ever learning, are never accomplishing the knowledge of the truth which is the Word of God. 1. Some captivated people’s minds exhibit an impatience of process and progress, fatal ofRead MoreAnalysis Of The Median Isn t The Message 862 Words  | 4 PagesHeart and Mind Combined in â€Å"Learning to Read†In the essay â€Å"The Median Isn’t The Message†Stephen Jay Gould states that the â€Å"Heart and head are focal points of one body, one personality†(166). Gould’s idea that the heart and head are of one body are also shared in Fredrick Douglas’s essay â€Å"Learning to Read†. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Arts Journal Critical Perspectives free essay sample
The book report is based on The Arts Journal Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Literature, History, Art, and Culture in Guyana and the Caribbean Volume 3 Numbers 1 and 2. It was published by The Arts Forum Incorporated in March of 2002 and the SINS number is 1728-7723. The copy bought is a paperback edition which cost $125 and contained 15 articles and 21 6 pages. Anne Gaffer edited it with guest editor Rite Pembroke- While the text re-examines the British Slave Trade and the manner in which its victims have been portrayed in literature, the articles reviewed focus on he theme Of the changing images Of African people.According to the Arts Forum, a review by Professor Selwyn H. H. Carting stated that these three articles including another represent images of how blacks saw themselves at different times during slavery and the post-emancipation period focusing in particular on the effect of texts, paintings, and films. The Art Journal presented these articles in honor of the Bicentenary of the Abolition of the trans-Atlantic Trade in captive Africans in order to provide a fresh Caribbean perspective on the events encompassing this dark spot in our histo ry. Though each of the three articles reviewed approached it from a different slant each did so convincingly. Additionally, these articles give an in-depth analysis of aspects which may not be considered by the average person. In the first article entitled Visual Expressions of Slavery and Emancipation 1700-1834, Edith (Nancy) Jacobs posits that in the event of depicting art out of its relevant period, some historians reduce the value of it and that even now when society is supposed to be enlightened the artistic images of are not incorporated effectively to represent Caribbean history.She examines the importance of the development of a variety of printing techniques used to bombard the general with images of what they (pro-slavery and abolitionists) wanted to portray. Jacobs concentrates on three major points in the depiction of slaves textually and visually. Firstly, she looks at those paintings commissioned by European patrons that generally portrayed the Blacks as subservient helples s people, who were more like household pets. Secondly, she examines those images distributed by the abolitionists that showed the Blacks in varying states of deprivation: food, clothing and being sold at auctions. Finally, she observes the evolution of the paintings now depicting the Black man as an educated man often shown reading the bible. However, she notes that none of these truly portray the Black man and the rebellions that occur from 1 791 prove this as it contradicted the initial perspective of the Blacks as docile and helpless. Jacobs presents her argument systematically, tracing the changing perception of the Black man over the period 1700 to 1834. In particular, she addresses the relationship between the pictures depicted and the techniques of the printing devices of the time; an aspect hat the average reader may not consider.Her attention to details such as the right side of a photo being the weaker visual position upon which the Black man was inevitably placed in the later seventeenth and early eighteenth century in comparison to the opposite occurring in the late eighteenth century demonstrates her point that the media was used to influence the public. The second article by Jean Antoine-Dunne and Bruce Padding entitled Film Representations of the Abolitionist Movement, examines the responses of Caribbean filmmakers to the abolition of the slave trade and the insurgences associated with IEEE (p. 82). Their argument posits that the film industry is one of the most powerful methods of communicating ideas and that it influences peoples perception of one another and their cultures. They look at abolition from a Caribbean perspective based on five important, yet not well-known films from the British, French and Spanish territories of the Caribbean. One of the central ideas permeating through the films is the idea Of visually shocking the audience out of a false historic narrative. They posit that the five films give a more accurate representation of slavery and the resistances that surround its abolition in the Caribbean.They give enough details of the films to indicate to the reader their similarities and their differences. A general idea which permeates through them is the fact the very manner in which abolition is viewed may be colonial. This leads to the question raised at the beginning of this course; is history the truth? Or is the truth different for each party, or even each in dividual involved? Ken Cockcrows Blackened Figures is the final article reviewed. Here he discusses the work of Trinitarian painter Carlisle Harris in the twentieth century.Harris uses the human body in an abstract form to represent the self as an ever changing, ever improving figure. He makes full use of the African dancing male as a symbol of the triumphant return to humanity in a land abused by colonialism. His experience with the American Civil Rights movement leads to him being a symbol in representing the powerful forces of African history and culture in the Caribbean (101). He reiterates an idea stated by Jacobs found in the technique of Harris paintings which he uses to show to the opposite is true; blackness is associated with the corrupt and even evil .Harris paintings are also filled with motion especially dancing that truly represents the rhythm of Caribbean people. Dance is a part of everyones routine; whether one takes it as dancing to ones own tune or anothers. Considering that I am not a student of history per SE, I would say that this journal was very informative. It was not written in a such a way as to make its reading tedious and thus held my interest. I have been introduced to concepts that certainly bear contemplation, as it was not considered before. However, I would have liked to have read more about womens contribution to the movement.
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